OASIS® Surgical Customized Solutions
OASIS® Surgical Customized Solutions
Surgeon’s Choice Card / Cannula Card
Create a custom surgical kit to efficiently meet your supply needs. Select from a variety of safety scalpels, cystotomes, cannulas, and more from the OASIS® product catalog.
– Customize by surgeon preference
– 2 options available
– Improve operating room efficiency
– Consistent procedural care
– Ease of purchasing from a single supply source
More Information
Surgeon’s Choice is a new alternative solution to standard preference cards in that it provides the doctor’s preferred surgical disposable instruments in a pre-organized and customized package.
Pick your preference of cannulas, cystotomes, needles, and, optionally, safety scalpels, and OASIS pre-packages these in our patented surgical card set.
Your surgical team and flow benefit by the reduction of prep time before surgery. Your team will appreciate they have only one single peel pouch to open rather than peeling open a dozen or so before each surgery.
There are two options to consider: Surgeon’s Choice Card (includes safety knives) and Surgeon’s Choice Cannula Card (cnc only).
Customize Surgeon’s Choice cards for each surgeon for efficiency and ease.

Interested in surgeon’s Choice Cards?
Request a Proposal.
Let us create a sample of your single pouch solution that can help your surgical team by: Reducing the amount of repetitive motion required for opening pouch after pouch of cannulas, cystotomes, and needles. Reduce cost per case by reducing time for set up. Increase flow through the surgery center. Have your surgeon’s preferences on-hand with one peel pouch. Decrease waste.
Please complete the form, alternatively reach us at: customerservice@oasismedical.com or call (844) 820-8940.